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Why you should include hibiscus tea in your routine?

Why you should include hibiscus tea in your routine?

In recent times, many herbal teas have been relished all over the world and one such tea is hibiscus tea. If you are wondering what more your hibiscus plant can offer apart from being an eye-catcher, you are in for a treat.

It is the calyces of the plant which is steeped and brewed and you can enjoy them either hot or cold as you, please. The numerous bioactive compounds present in hibiscus make them one of the top herbal teas.

Without any further ado, let’s get to the top 5 goodness of hibiscus tea.


Anti-oxidants help us fight inflammation and infection in our bodies. And the coronavirus pandemic has made us realize their profound benefits to boosting our immunity. Studies involving hibiscus extracts have found a raise in antioxidant levels in the blood which in turn will help in preventing oxidative stress.

Researchers have found phenolic compounds, flavonoids, beta-carotene, and vitamin C in the hibiscus plant which makes them potent antioxidants.


A handful of studies have stated the benefits of hibiscus in promoting weight loss and preventing obesity. However, being low in calories and highly rejuvenating they are still the best option for weight loss instead of any other carbonated refreshing drinks.


The heart-protective effects of hibiscus are immense and are explored broadly all over the world. With a hectic lifestyle and stress, the burden of hypertension is rising day by day. Thus, preventing strategies utilizing commonly found ingredients can be beneficial.

A 2019 study suggested that consuming 2 cups of hibiscus tea along with other dietary modification have significantly lowered systolic blood pressure in stage 1 hypertensive patients.

If you are already on anti-hypertensive drugs, do consult your healthcare provider before starting with hibiscus tea, since they may a negative interaction.


Yes, you heard it right. You can now control your blood sugar with “Tea”. In type 2 diabetes, it is not only your blood sugars that have to be controlled but a whole lot of symptoms that have to be managed effectively.

Considering the cost of diabetic treatments, a holistic approach including diet and lifestyle modification is the need of the hour. In that way, hibiscus tea is definitely a great addition to the diet due to its hypoglycemic effects.

In diabetes, the free radicals in your body rise causing oxidative stress. The anti-oxidants present in hibiscus like anthocyanin, phenols, and flavonoids can help fight against these free radicals and prevent diabetic-related complications. 


The bioactive compounds present in hibiscus are attributed to their hypoglycemic, antioxidant, hypotensive, and anti-lipidemic effects. Apart from these compounds, they are great sources of micronutrients like riboflavin, thiamine or niacin, β-carotene as a provitamin A, and a high content of ascorbic acid. This makes hibiscus drink more rejuvenating and refreshing.


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